Okharbot Organic Farm

A permaculture farm forty kilometers East of Kathmandu.

The farm has lots of fruit trees, cereals, vegetables and a small range of herbs. You can visit the farm, walk around and enjoy the fields, terraces and forest, have a meal on the veranda, shop at the farmshop, and stay over.

Organic Farming

Okharbot Organic Farm is a three hectares (almost 7.5 acres) permaculture farm.

Vegetables grow in kitchen gardens around the farm houses. Fruit trees, herbs and cereals are growing on the terraces and fields. There is a forest around the farm.

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Sustainable Building

The buildings at the farm are as much as possible made from rammed earth, salvaged wood and stones, or other materials from near our farm.

Solar power supplies the energy on the farm and our own bio-sand filter purifies the water.

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Okharbot Organic farm is situated on a small ridge between Rayothok and Etey in ward number 12 of Dhulikhel.

Our neighbours and us live in different houses on this ridge.

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Explore the Area

Whether it is hiking, mountain biking or visiting cultural sites, there is plenty to experience.

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  • By bus: take the Arniko Highway to Dhulikhel, change at Banepa or Dhulikhel to Kavre Bhanjyang, from where it’s a 30 minute walk to the farm.
  • Walking: from Kavre Bhanjyang turn right onto the Namobuddha road. After 700 meters, sharply turn right and follow that road for about 2.5 kilometers till you reach the Buddha statue in Rayothok.
  • Whether you travel by taxi, car, motorbike or bus, always first travel to Dhulikhel and the BP Highway to Kavre Bhanjyang. Please only use your Google Maps when you reached Kavre Banjyang.

The Farmshop

In the old farm house, we have a shop where you can buy seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and dried herbs (especially tea), chutneys, pickles and jams. We also consider produce from neighbouring organic farms.

We will update the availability of our products soon!


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Why contact us?

  • To know whether you could visit the farm to walk around and enjoy the views from the terrace
  • To book a tour, a lunch or a one day programme at the farm
  • To explore possibilities to stay overnight
  • To ask about trekking and mountain biking possibilities in the area
  • To order your seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, herbs or other goods at the farm shop
  • To discuss volunteering or studying at the farm

Don't hesitate to reach out to one of the following: